bg 1x1 Juicy K 🍭 [ ajuicyk ] Onlyfans leaked photo 12937610 on

Juicy K 🍭 [ ajuicyk ] Onlyfans leaked photo 12937610

Life Update: So I’m moving to Germany temporarily in a few months. Basically for the next three years I’ll be there for six months of the year—Winter. I can apply for dual citizenship after those three years. For context I grew up over there and have a lot of German heritage. I ended up getting a degree in German Studies in college in order to stay fluent, and spent years going back to Germany to visit my dad who lived over there. My family speaks mostly English but with some German mixed throughout (Denglish, lol). Basically my parents could have applied for me to have dual citizenship but they never got around to it, so I’m doing it now. I’m looking at Düsseldorf or Oldenburg or Freiburg bc I have family friends in those cities. But I could go anywhere in Germany with good internet, basically. The six months around summer I’ll still be here in New Mexico (USA). So hot tub streams, grilling streams, summer stuff. Right now I’m still sick from covid and it turns out I may have c diff (clostridium difficile). If I do have that I’ll feel better after some antibiotics! In the meantime I am trying to just rest and find an apartment in Germany, flights, SIM cards, stuff like that. I won’t fly out there til December or January I’m trying hard to keep up with posting but the covid headache is pretty brutal this time around. I’ll be better soon! In the meantime I cannot express how grateful I am for you guys. Read more
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