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Mac Lawson [ bigmaclawson ] Onlyfans leaked photo 11788478

[ENG Version] I apologize for being a drama queen and to those who were worried something happened. (TLDR; at the bottom) Uhhh... long story short my parents wanted me to freeze my sperm (ever since I came out to them) "Just in case" I wanted biological offspring with my partner, or by myself for the matter. My parents wish to have grand children so very much and they have large hearts full of love- perhaps the reason why they were hurt so much when I denied them the opportunity to share their love with... CUTE LITTLE MINIATURE JESSIE's. For those of you who aren't too familiar with the effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), Prolonged intake of estrogen (female hormones) leads to a number of permanent changes within the body- becoming infertile being one of the biggest alterations. There are reports that going off estrogen for 2-3 months can bring back fertility, but there is no guarantee that the sperm will be healthy as the testes are permanently damaged to some degree (A lot of people ask if I had my... balls cut off, I didn't, they just shrank to the size of... peanuts? from... grapes?) Anyhoooo- I told my parents after reconciling with them that I would go off estrogen for around 3 months and get my sperm tested to see if they were healthy enough to get frozen. I also told them the permanent effects that HRT has on the body and to not have their hopes too high. But Lo and behold off goes my parents to the Buddhist temple to pray that my sperm is healthy and they have been doing this for... I don't even know it has to be close to a year. This has weighed heavily upon my mind for quite a while until today when I felt the true gravity of it as I went to a womens clinic today to get my sperm tested. It was quite the comedy this day. To start, upon handing my medical information over to the front desk and declaring my intention of visiting, the front desk lady asked where my husband was lol. I told her I don't have a husband. (You can imagine the confusion on her face). I then told her that I was here for the sperm test. (The confusion seemed to intensify). So I leaned over and whispered that I was a transwoman. Mind that the clinic was jam packed with married couples and what not. So to make matters more akin to that of a comedy sketch, she asked me to speak louder since she couldn't hear me. So I declare to a third of the lobby that I am a transgender individual xD Glances here and there, some whispering- but the best part- the diamond-was her reaction. She was clearly flustered as I said that looking straight into her eyes and it was just cute how she apologized :). I was then kindly instructed to go to the Men's wing for testing. This is where it gets better. The front desk lady there first asked what my name was and stood still for a good 3 seconds. She asked me if I was here for the sperm exam while staring at my breasts. I replied yes in the most feminine and innocent way I could, telling her I was trans. (I was enjoying this very much). After another 3 seconds or so, she called a doc for consultation and then told me that there would be no reason for me to do the exam. This was not a reply I was expecting and genuinely had me wondering why I didn't need to test my sperm! So I politely asked her and she said that despite going through bottom surgery and having a prosthetic penis, my ejaculation wouldn't contain any real sperm. SHE THOUGHT I WAS AN FTM (female to male) LMAO. I giggled a bit to that response, and helped her out by telling her that I was the opposite of that, and haven't had my penis removed. Her reaction was that of genuine surprise- a bright light bulb lighting up on top of her head. She then kindly informed me to go to the 4th floor and wait until I was called upon. So in I went to a quiet isolated area with lube, tissues, a comfy couch, and a TV with porn to choose from. The lady told me to ejaculate into the cup she handed over to me and left the room. I scanned through every video and was amused how there was American, Chinese, and Japanese porn. The American porn was mostly from Bl4cked and this one site that provides content with a Mother and her Daughter both having sex with the daughters boyfriend. A lot of the asian porn was censored so I was unhappy with that until the last two were uncensored Japanese porn. What made it great was that the last two videos were like a compilation of women being fucked by 2 or more men. I started with the latter and edged a bit imagining fucking the ladies- then proceeded to finish while playing with my nipples watching the Bl4cked series, imagining I was being fucked by a monster of a cock while being tossed around like I was a feather. It felt great since I had to not masturbate for a full 3 days to get the best results which I will get to know next week on Friday. :) TLDR; Parents wanted me to freeze my sperm for a long time. I feel bad since the chances of me being fertile is very low due to being on estrogen for close to 2 years. I went to a clinic today to get my sperm examined- the front desk ladies thought I was an FTM trying to test his prosthetic dick. Read more
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