Well done guys... you’re working so hard to earn these videos! This is a sorter one, but I’m sure you’ll agree, it’s just as hot... and as always, there’s a story to go with it 😈 One day I received a call from my hubby, to tell me to put on something slutty, blindfold myself and wait in the lounge! Obviously, I did exactly as I was told... turned out he wasn’t alone when he arrived home!!! He’d got chatting to some random dude in the local sex shop and decided to invite him round to fuck me! It’s the absolute truth when I tell you, I never actually saw this guys face and I wouldn’t know him if I sat next to him on the bus 😂🤣 It’s a HOTWIFE life 💋💋💋 You know the drill if you want to see more... get hitting that like button!!! 👉🏼 Read more