thursday = new FULL LENGTH VIDEO FUCK MACHINE BALLERINA why is it that i always get turned on when i do stretches at the barre? 🥹 anyways.. today i gave into my needyness and grabbed my fuck machine to help me take care of my horny self😇 i stripped down, but kept my point shoes on 🩰 starting off in an en point missionary position with a wide spread of my legs, that made me feel sooo ready to just be fucked🤤 starting slow i turned the machine really fast really quickly, cause i was sooo needy haha🫦 i then switched into a doggy liked position so you could get a niiiiiice few on my ass with the machine pounding my pussy🍑 also looots of close ups hehe ending it in a split on the floor, enjoying suuuch an intense orgasm, while the machine kept fucking me soo hard💦 enjoy xx💕 Read more