Hello Everyone! Here is a little UnCut piece from the first (of 5) episodes for the YouTube Channel "Ho's Be Hungry". The premise?.. go out to eat in cool restaurants, order a WHOLE bunch of food, and eat and rate it! All the while generally joking and fucking around. I shot 5 episodes last fall in NYC with @chloe_temple @kimoraquin @ohsolovelyk and @trinity_clara.. here's a little section from our ChinaTown Episode, which will be released first. The actual episodes will incorporate both GoPros and also all of the iphone footage you see all of us periodically shooting as we do closeups of the food, menus, and whatnot. Thank you!!! PS - The episodes will probably exclusively premiere here first. Not yet sure on that, but I'll at least post stuff here as I edit, like this. Thank you!