bg 1x1 CARMELA CLUTCH - π—™π—¨π—Ÿπ—Ÿ ACCESS [ clutchvip ] Onlyfans leaked photo 266535 on

CARMELA CLUTCH - π—™π—¨π—Ÿπ—Ÿ ACCESS [ clutchvip ] Onlyfans leaked photo 266535

sumone gave me the idea to play a game on here so now I wanna try. here’s how it goes... I want u all to guess how many tattoos I have . - If u guess a number too low , u getting a video of me twerking crazier than u ever seen wearin nuthin but a string - if u guess a number too high u gettin a pic of me in a see through top (you’ll see what I kno y’all been asking me to see) - if u guess the number exactly right imma send u a personal message saying ur name and sayin whatever u want me to say wearing whatever u want me to wear (or not wear 😏) DM me the number right now. U have a few hours until I sent out your prize bich . I’m online readin all the answers from now until late night and don’t try to do no research cuz ain’t nuthin online wit the real number πŸ˜‰
108.2K views・ 11 months ago
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