bg 1x1 Diddly [ diddlydonger ] Onlyfans leaked photo 14335793 on

Diddly [ diddlydonger ] Onlyfans leaked photo 14335793

I still can’t believe I get to fuck this Filipina babe on a regular basis 🤯 Our arrangement is perfect. She lives up in Rockland county with her cuck but works in Manhattan at a clinic not far from my apartment. This means it’s not uncommon for her to reach out to me as short as a days notice to make plans to come over after her shift. After I satisfy her needs, me and her man Roger take turns ubering her back home. If it gets particularly late she at times spends the night and just goes to work in the morning. And to make things even better she LOVES being recorded and shown off! Not just for him but for you guys here as well 😉
39.1K views・ 10 months ago
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