Drew Valentino (DrewcyFrOOtXL) [ drewvalentinoxl ] Onlyfans leaked video 2131735
As we are preparing some more compilation style videos from 2023 to now we stumbled across some old pictures from five years ago.. we got introduced to one another on the app Grindr and these were the first pictures (1st and 2nd pic) we seen of each other... Jack sent his pic and said 'wanna hangout Sunday' .. Max replied 'sure I can around noon' .. then Jack said 'okay see you then' ... Seeing as we talked about the spot to go on Sunday we were both thinking this would likely be a quick sexual thing but instead we went on a 9 hour date and never stopped talking and laughing the entire time... The other 3 pictures we found were during our first month of dating.. Read more
2 years ago