ebonyashley_ Onlyfans leaked video 14145911
We’ve gotten quite a few cool gaming related messages so we wanted to open up a little more on what we are into.. We both loved the Nintendo 64 and GameCube growing up.. we still love playing Mario games, Pokémon games, and Zelda games but we both gravitated toward Xbox when we got older.. Jack was super into Minecraft, GTA V, and Black Ops whereas Max was only into Modern Warfare 2 and GTA V.. We never got into Warzone with the newer call of duties but Max really enjoyed Cold War. So far, he has a record of 66 kills for a game of Team Deathmatch where the limit is set at 100 but he must have been playing against absolute bots 🤖 lol! We wanted to share some of our gaming but we could only find clips of Max’s Cold War games.. Jack still remembers Max backing out of games and saying “not enough movement, nope, not today” and laughing (which is why the first part of the video is what it is 😂 that is an example clip that would make him leave).. Feel free to share your gaming clips with us if you want or let us know what games you really love to play!
1 year ago