In case you haven’t seen on my socials already…I broke my wrist really bad on Monday :( I took a pretty gnarly fall while snowboarding, and it caused me to break my radius in my left arm 🦴 So, I’m really sorry for the lack of posts 😠I had surgery yesterday, and got 1 metal plate and 9 screws to keep my wrist together (they’re permanent!). I was soooo nervous about going under cause I never had before but it was a lot easier than I thought it would be haha. My pain is pretty bad still, but I have decent pain meds that are helping for now. I’ll try and take pics as I can, but think might be another slow month for me. I tried to take some today but I was sooo exhausted after like 10 minutes so these are all I managed to get..😞 I know last month was a slow month too cause I was sick with covid. Hope you guys can understand. I seriously feel like I haven’t been able to catch a break! Once my arm is more healed up and I feel like I have energy to take regular photos again, I’ll be sure to get you guys some good content to make up for it, and finally some new ppvs! Any tips are appreciated as always, but they’re especially appreciated right now since I haven’t been able to work as much. Thanks for being here still, and I 🖤 you guys! Read more