Luna [ lunalovely01 ] Onlyfans leaked video 18381012
Heya everyone! The last couple days have been a big change and I couldnt be more happy to announce it!! I will finally be a fulltime Video Content Creator & Feedee! This will give me a ton more freedom as to how much I can post!! 🥰 And I also have a huge project in mind, since months, that I would like to share and get ur opinion on it! But be aware! This will be the real feedee Potchi, with struggles and everything! So only read if you can handle that? 🥹 For the past few months I have been hitting a plateau in my gaining journey! As some of you might now, I'm not the best stuffer and a super slow eater. I got most of my gains via Heavy Cream and that worked for like 2 years! But lately it's catching up to me that I can't eat a lot and my body adjusted to the Heavy Cream intake! So for my feedee journey I need to take a very important step, that will have a ton of ups and downs!! And that means.... I have to work on my stomach capacity! And I don't just wanna train that all by myself, I was thinking about making a huge Video Documentary about it! And I wanted to ask if that's even something you would be interested to see? Because, it would go something like this: Me researching all the technics about capacity training, me training those and taking you with me on the journey! With the wildest thing, like setting alarm clocks to eat, or chugging until I can't anymore! I will also show the Hard sides of it, like throwing up (not visually) and feeling defeated. But I feel like creating a legit documentary on how to become a stuffing goddess/better feedee would be super interesting, rather than just another Fantasy where everything goes smoothly and is super easy! Also to mark my progress, I would do a cheese burger stuffing every 2 weeks! With the endgoal really not being there! That way we could see if my training is paying off! So that's pretty much it! I'd love to hear ur feedback about the idea! Or if you think it's bad that's also fine! If you prefer the fantasy of everything being easy that's fair aswell! I'm open to all the critique! 🐷 Read more
7 months ago