Forgot to upload the pictures for my next raffle!! It's one of a kind (It's my jacket!) varsity jacket made for my Company as you may have seen in the video of my last raffle draw! (see link below). This time, the draw will be held LIVE on Monday 25th of January at 8PM GMT (don't wanna jinx the Biden/Harris celebration on Wednesday, the usual raffle draw day!). It's 9PM Paris time and 3PM East Coast time. The size of the jacket is Medium - so if you're tall or big the jacket is not for you (for your girlfriend/wife maybe? lol). Price of the ticket is $5 and of course you can buy as many as you want to increase your chance to win (under the post of by DM). Of course (but only if you want) it will be autographed to your name (inside the jacket or outside if you prefer). If you win and are in the US, I will ask you an additional $10 because the shipping from Italy is outrageously expensive. If you have any questions, don't hesitate: DM me. Read more