bg 1x1 suicidal thot [ misandrist69 ] Onlyfans leaked photo 813384 on

suicidal thot [ misandrist69 ] Onlyfans leaked photo 813384

Today is a day full of experiences! 😜 Do you want to know what happened to me? πŸ˜πŸ™ˆ I spent the morning visiting the dentist! Worst morning ever! 😒 I can't eat all day! Do you know what it is to me? 😁 The biggest punishment! 😜 A few hours later, the first monocle was colored on my face. πŸ˜πŸ™ˆ Playing with my dog is not always fun! 😜😍 But I still love him, I had no idea that if we were wrestling over a toy and he accidentally poked my head in the eye, I'd get a bruise! πŸ˜πŸ™ˆ But I wondered why people look at me so strangely, well why... Because I look like someone is beating me! 😜😜
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