Anastasia [ miss_anastasia ] Onlyfans leaked video 10246159
Natural Week - The Before Set 💕 Okay so admittedly I'm feeling a bit self conscious about this set this week, but with all the positive encouragement I've been getting (Especially post-Bruges and post-Kauai) about how much you like seeing me in my natural state - I knew I could share it 😄 I took this pic set a couple weeks ago as spring started up and I was considering not posting it at all - especially since it was literally right after I started a hair reset... But then I realized - wait, since I'm growing my hair out again and this time I'm doing it along with a professional stylist - I can make it extra cute and extra hot for you guys as it grows out 😝 So basically, consider this set the "Before" set, so that by this time next year - we will be at "After" and you will see a whole new me! So yeah, thought a fun way to see my more natural side this year is to post hair updates as I grow it out for you and am doing my thing out there in the world... which seems kinda hot... now we all get to see me become even more of a femme goddess 😂 It was in fact... so hot... I had to do a video of just how much it was driving me crazy (please ignore the black jump cuts - I am a terrible editor lol) so hopefully you enjoy this new ShortVid as well 😄 And I hope you enjoy this set this week of the "Before" spring Ashley ❤️
1 year ago