Very rare images of my first professional layout I ever did (that was in France in 1993 - yeah in another lifetime :) The layout was made by a photographer that had never done nude pictures before. I was more in artsy photos or fashion. It was a unique experience for two reasons: 1/ I finally learned how to pose a bit better because he was actually giving me directions and advice (things you don't get with porn photographers) 2/ The entire set was photographed in the dark with a huge camera. Basically you had to stand very still then he will come with some kind of tube, and in the end of the tube was a light, like a flashlight. He used different light colors depending on the picture we were making. It's like he was painting the picture he wanted to make. It's the only time I have done such work. It was really interesting because if I moved or he did something wrong we had to redo the photo entirely. It took approx. 16 hours for 6 pictures (well he did a couple more but was not happy with them so trashed them). The pictures have been publish in a famous French magazine called NEWLOOK. I am very proud of that work even though it shocked a few people (especially among my friends), the photos being a little bit too "L0lita"! Hope you enjoy them. It's scanned photos (full page). I tried to descreen them a bit but can't do more of that or it would be real blur. If any1 of you knows a photoshop technique to do better, feel free to DM me. Read more