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For David who asked for the recipe of the Yogurt Cake. Very simple recipe (learned it when I was a kid!): You need a large bowl. Mix one and half yogurt (plain) - the size of the picture above, with two and a half yogurt pot full of flour (once the yogurt has been emptied), one and half yogurt pot of sugar, one little bag (usually about 10 grams) of vanilla sugar (or you can add pure vanilla it's even better). Once it's mixed together, add 3 eggs and mix well. Then add half a yogurt pot of sunflower oil (or colza). Mix it well until it's really smooth. When it is, add a bag of yeast (usually about 10 grams) amd mix well. Add a dose of brandy or calvados to the mix. If you want something a bit less plain than just the regular cake you can add chocolate chips to the mix, or an apple sliced thin. Butter a pie pan well so it won't stick (you can use pretty much any type of pie pan - see picture on the post below). Pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees celsius for 10 mins. Pour the mix into the pie pan and put in the oven for 30 mins. Make sure it's cooked by inserting a knife into the cake. If anything sticks it means it's not cooked! Voila! :)
1 year ago