Here are some photos from the very beginning of my warm up today. 😬👀nice flowery sport bra, isn’t it?😬 Some of you are curious about my workouts, os I’m going to post here the one from today: ——————————— ✨Warmup 50 jumping jacks General warmup and stretching ✨Strength 10 Swing Eye Level (the kettlebell I use is 16 kg) 3 rounds of: 20 Swing Eye Level (30 sec rest between rounds) 4 rounds of: 5 single dumbbell thruster right hand 5 single dumbbell thruster left hand (45 sec rest between rounds) ✨Conditioning For time: 100 air squats 80 lunges 60 jumping squats 40 jumping lunges 20 pistol squats ✨Accessory exercises/abs 4 rounds of: 30 sec handstand hold (30 sec rest between rounds) 4 rounds of: 11 V-ups (30 sec rest between rounds) 3 rounds of: 13 ab-wheel (30 sec rest between rounds) ✨Stretching ———————————————- 💀💀💀💀💀💀 Read more