bg 1x1 Poonam Pandey [ poonampandeytv ] Onlyfans leaked photo 13909082 on

Poonam Pandey [ poonampandeytv ] Onlyfans leaked photo 13909082

Update on me: I'm almost entirely feeling better. Unfortunately my stitches disagree so I'm still unable to do much moving. Had to visit the ER Monday as I popped a stitch and my bellybutton tried to unravel 😂 I have very little pain although my throat is still bothering me a lot from being intubed and I'm slightly concerned about that. But also it seems much worse at certain times of day so I'm worried that my stomach medication that I can not stop taking is somehow contributing and making it worse. I guess I just wait for my throat and incisions to heal up more. I wasn't expecting to still be held back from getting back to work by these things. I thought the abdominal pain would be my major issue.
738.9K views・ 9 months ago
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