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Had a little bit of a setback yesterday evening, I had to go to the emergency room due to my abdomen😪. Spent 10 1/2 hours waiting in the waiting room to just get sent home being told nothings wrong with me even though I’ve had abdominal discomfort for almost a month now. The health care system is a rip off. I guess the only thing I can be grateful for at least is I didn’t get sent home with a $10,000 doctor bill because they don’t do that in Canada. I’m going to get sent in for an ultrasound next week so maybe I’ll get a bit more information, but knowing the healthcare system, they’re just gonna tell me nothing is wrong with me even though it’s completely, not natural and not normal to be having discomfort for that long of a time. But now since being at the hospital, this comfort has radiated from my lower abdomen to my upper stomach, so it’s just super weird. I might have to take my hands supplement and start taking probiotics and gut detox or something. A lot of the doctors are just like blaming everything on depression and stress and stuff which I would assume stress could probably cause stomach issues and I have been under an immense amount of stress lately as you all know. I used to take antidepressants, but it’s impossible to get into see a doctor nowadays so it’s hard to get refills, so I think I’m just gonna start taking matters into my own hands and start a supplement journey and start trying to eat better have a healthy diet and just try and start taking better care of myself but you know it’s easier said than done. 😪 I am so grateful for all the support you guys give me and how kind you all are. I don’t know what I would do without you guys, you mean everything to me🫂 Read more
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