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Samantha Flair [ samanthaflairofficial ] Onlyfans leaked video 18368633

OK so good news, I will be back by the end of this week! 🥳🥳 Thanks so much for baring with me!! 💛💛 long story short a team of decorators dropped out of refurbishing the hosue I recently moved out of (needing a total refurba!) to go into isolation as one of them had suspected corona -after months of isolation and with the move falling on student move date i couldn't get anyone else in and that was after I'd arranged to let the place and would have left my now tennats up shits creek so I've been pulling 12/15 hour very physical days completely gutting and rebuilding/replacing everything to get the place ready in time for the tenants, they moved in yesterday as planned 🥳🥳 im finishing a few bits up with them in there as I couldn't get through it all in time but its extremely nearly finished so I will be all yours again very very soon! Xx Read more
17.5M views・ 5 months ago
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