Sora U〰️U [ tattookitten ] Onlyfans leaked video 1785133
🇫🇷 J'ai achevé mon séjour parisien et voici une excellente nouvelle que je tiens à vous partager, qui implique tout un projet de vie 😍 Je commence les cours demain !!! 🤗 J'ai eu cette bonne nouvelle la semaine dernière, j'ai envoyé in extremis mon dossier et reçu très vite la réponse, j'ai filmé cette annonce sur le vif et vous la partage donc maintenant 😊🤗 Hooooo au fait l'école va me coûter 12000 balles, donc votre soutien est d'autant plus important et le bienvenu 😜 Tchuuuuusssss 😘 🇬🇧 My dear no-French speaking subscribers, I apologize for not having shot an English version, I just wanted to keep the natural enthusiasm that I spread in that one. So here is the AMAZING new I'm sharing today : I've been accepted for enrolling a two years studies in a Swiss school for becoming a Sexologist 🙌 🤗🤗🤗 I am SO Happy because I don't have the requirements to apply for these studies. I should have already an universitary degree, which I don't have, these studies being meant for psychology or equivalent degree. But I sent a letter anyway and my atypical profile has been appreciated by the school, thought I am a caregiver for 20 years, a sex worker for over a decade, and a therapist using NLP, hypnosis and coaching tools for 2 years. Moreover, since last September, I work in a sexual therapy center in Switzerland, Lausanne, named Sexopraxis ( All this qualifications and experiences in life are rewarded now amd I am so thrilled and proud to start TOMORROW my first day at school!! 😍 🤩 So in two years I'll be officially a clinician sexologist 🤗🤩 In the meantime, it won't change anything, I will still show you my boobies and provide you good stuffs to jerk on it 😜 (that is at the end of the video, you'll get it now 😅) The school costs 12000 francs, so your $ support is even more important and welcome 😜🤓 Kisses 💋
2 years ago