This last week has been such an emotional, physical and mental roller coaster ride. The hardest week of my life. I thought I was gonna lose one of the most important things to me- and maybe even myself, but I didn’t. And I had the best life partner by my side through it all. But tonight, being alone for the first time in that week, after having a shower, shaving for the first time in weeks and without having a nurse do it for me, I feel a little more ‘normal’, but also outside of my own body & seeing such a change in it is really hitting me emotionally and mentally. Tonight I’m alone and I’m having a really hard time. Thank you all for keeping me sane and holding my head above the water, even when I’m spitting it out and struggling to stay afloat. I love you all and I promise I’ll come back soon as the old me you all know and love. But for a while, at least for now- I’m just not me. 🥲💖 Read more