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tiny_nympho [ tiny-nympho ] Onlyfans leaked photo 18612078

Ahh memories!!! Al The Cat - any of you who have been with me since the beginning remember him. Al would always make cameo appearances in many of our videos, of him strolling on by casually. Al LOVED my feet, and shoes, and socks. I would find him cuddling with my shoes in the closet. He loved to sleep at my feet and loved to smell my toes lol. Alfred was named after my grandfather, who passed away in 93. He was a rescue cat that I had to pick up in Jersey city, I think I got him in 99 or 2000. The girl who rescued him at a bunch from the litter where the mother was not there. He was the only one who was not climbing the walls or the furniture and curtains, he was scared of everything and was hiding under a blanket. So I took him and to his dying day was scared shitless of everything. I had to put him down in 2017 as his health was failing and I did not want to see him suffer. He is now buried in my parents yard.
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