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I’m not sure if I really wanna even take content for a while.. my self confidence has completely gone to nothing for many reasons. Yeah I get ‘compliments’ here but I never really even feel attractive unless I’m working my A$$ off and my patients and families tell me how gorgeous I am when I’m sweating, crying, or simply sitting down charting with bags under my eyes or tears in them. My point is, I can’t shoot content alone, much less with others for this reason. When I come here I know I can be myself but it’s also why I haven’t gotten any custom work done for a good while. I simply don’t wanna see myself or even send it because I’m not feeling it. I’ll continue posting throwbacks and pics/videos for you guys but just know this is why I’ve been and prob will be distant. I just need to work on me and fix a lot about myself. Depression and being bipolar fucking sucks but I’ve felt this way for a while and just not spoken about it. I even had a trip planned to VA to see some really good rope friends but wasn’t feeling it for this reason and more and cancelled last minute. I know y’all are on here and I won’t tag you but you know who you are. That was shitty of me and I’m sorry. Truly. I hate being this person but I’m gonna take a break from modeling and shooting for a while. I love you guys SO much. More than you’ll ever know. This isn’t me leaving, just being real about not being myself. . ❤️😭😞
5 months ago